Industry Forum

The VDA 6.x regulations are designed for organisations in the automotive supply chain to provide a holistic quality management approach and possibility for 3rd party certification.

To the carmakers (OEMs), it delivers a consistent and comparable assessment of  their suppliers, associated services and service establishments, in terms of their quality management systems, processes, products and services.

These are developed and described by VDA QMC Quality Standards for the German automotive industry in the VDA 6.x Volumes.

The full set contains the following publications:

VDA 6.1 : 2016 – QM System Audit – Serial Production 

VDA 6.2 : 2017 – QM System Audit – Service

VDA 6.3 : 2016 – Process Audit

VDA 6.4 : 2017 – QM System Audit – Production Equipment

VDA 6.5 : 2008 – Product Audit

VDA 6.7 : 2012 – Process Audit – Production Equipment – Product Creation Process / Unit Production

Overview of the VDA 6.x Volumes


VDA 6.1 (volume 6 part 1)

VDA 6.1 – QM System Audit – Serial Productioniatf 16949

The VDA 6.1 Quality Management System is an extension of ISO 9001 for the automotive industry, originated within the German automotive sector. Organisations can obtain 3rd party certification against this standard. This will be recognised by most German based customers as an alternative to IATF 16949.

VDA 6.1 dates back to the time of QS 9000 and altogether with French and Italian standards, was used to create ISO/TS 16949 in 1999.

Although QS 9000 and other national equivalents are now obsolete, VDA 6.1 remained an alternative to ISO/TS 16949 certification, mainly in Germany.

The current standard is the 5th edition from 2016, with essential requirements of ISO 9001:2015.

From the 1st January 2017, this 5th edition replaces the 4th edition from 2010.


VDA 6.2 (volume 6 part 2)

VDA 6.2 – QM System Audit – Service

The VDA 6.2 is a Quality Management System designed for service providers in the automotive industry.

Organisations can obtain 3rd party certification against this standard.

It focuses on services that are not recognised by IATF as eligible for standalone IATF 16949 certification, such as engineering offices, traders, dealers, warehousing or logistics providers.

VDA 6.2 incorporates Annex SL (10 chapter structure of ISO 9001:2015).

The current standard is the 3rd edition from 2017. 

The requirements for ISO 9001:2015, as well as the revised requirements for the industry in 2016 are valid for VDA Volume 6, Part 2 “QM-System Audit Service”, also referred to as VDA 6.2.


VDA 6.3 (volume 6 part 3)

VDA 6.3 – Process Audit

The Audit Standard VDA 6.3 is a standardised procedure for the conduct of process audits to assess organisational performance and capability for their product realisation processes.

The standard is intended to complement and reinforce widely adopted standards, such as ISO 9001, IATF 16949 and other sector specific quality derivatives of ISO 9001, such as those for aerospace and medical equipment. Such audits are a vital element in determining whether an organisation/supplier has the capability to meet the needs of a purchaser. Getting this judgement right can make all the difference to the success of a project. Applying the VDA 6.3 audit will support organisations in meeting the IATF requirements regarding manufacturing process audit.

Some customers mandate the use of VDA 6.3

The current standard is the 3rd edition from 2016.

VDA 6.3 has been completely revised, making it more precise, adapting to changing requirements in the automotive industry.

We run the following as open courses, or alternatively, you can email us to enquire about running these courses in-house:

VDA 6.4 (volume 6 part 4)

VDA 6.4 – QM System Audit – Production Equipment

VDA 6.4 is a Quality Management System designed for production equipment makers in the automotive industry.

Organisations can obtain 3rd party certification against this standard.

VDA 6.4 focuses on specialised, often non serial production like tools, machinery, appliances and testing and measuring equipment. The main goals for this volume are to assess the quality of the means of production and tools, as well as the appropriate cooperation with the customer.

The current standard is the 3rd edition from 2017. 

The renewal of VDA 6.4 regulations was initiated by the publication of ISO 9001:2015, as this specific set of rules is based on ISO 9001.

VDA 6.5 (volume 6 part 5)

VDA 6.5 Product Audit

VDA 6.5 defines a code of practice for the management of product audit programmes.

The product audit is one of the oldest methods which give a statement on the quality of products prior to their delivery to the customer. It assesses the effectiveness of quality assurance through the examination of a small number of products and/or parts and confirms the quality capability of the production process based on the quality of a product.

Some customers mandate the use of VDA 6.5. Applying the VDA 6.5 approach will support organisations in meeting the IATF requirements regarding product audit.

VDA 6.5 is currently the only available standard that describes how to prepare, plan and execute product audits. This standard can be used in any organisation regardless of production profile or industry.

The current standard is the 2nd edition from 2008. 

We run the following as open courses, or alternatively, you can email us to enquire about running this course in-house:

VDA 6.7 (volume 6 part 7)

VDA 6.7 Process Audit – Production Equipment – Product Creation Process / Unit Production

The Process Audit Standard VDA 6.7 supports VDA 6.4 and is designed to audit a development and product realisation process for so-called unit or single production (very low volumes, one offs).

Typical application is within an organisation that is producing tools, machinery, appliances and testing and measuring equipment.

The current standard is the 2nd edition from 2012. 


If you need support regarding any of the above mentioned VDA volumes, please email

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