Industry Forum

How we work

Why Industry Forum?

We have been delivering significant and measurable performance improvements for leading global manufacturers for more than 25 years and believe there is no one size fits all approach to driving competitiveness across the industry. Toyota, British Airways and Electrolux are among the brands who have tapped into our expertise to ensure they remain on top in their own fiercely competitive markets.

Industry Forum provides advice and mentoring support, extensive training & development and, where required, consultants to support from the factory floor up to board level. Our team of more than 150 experts has delivered over 400 tailor made improvement strategies in 30 countries across the world, and we are approved and certified by the relevant international trade bodies.

The adoption of our expertise and programmes enables businesses to up their game and stand out from the competition to secure and deliver key contracts.

Competitive Strategy & Management Systems

Manufacturing Operations

New Product Introduction & Life Cycle Management

Supply Chain Management

Uniform Approach

Every business is unique and so we immerse ourselves in your environment to develop a complete and objective understanding of your needs before creating and helping to implement a bespoke improvement strategy. 

During this process, we often find the root of any problems impacting overall effectiveness and can therefore isolate the issue at its source and swiftly find the solution. We are not partial to any particular course of action, we simply identify and steer you onto the best path for your business.

We streamline your business to optimum competitiveness, focusing on:






Customer Experience

Industry Forum specialists provide constructive feedback to enable your business to meet and even exceed its targets, staying until the new processes have been implemented and the entire team is on board and well equipped to deliver the results.

We also seek out areas of improvement by concentrating on:

  • Total Productive Maintenance
  • Lean Manufacturing
  • Six Sigma
  • Manufacturing Leadership Development
  • Quick Response Manufacturing

More detail on these can be found on our Manufacturing Consultancy page.

Work with us

Please visit our specific consultancy and training pages for more information and to detail your requirements, please call +44 (0)121 717 6600 for a confidential discussion or email us at

Training & Development
Bespoke Consultancy
Onsite Consultants
Contact Us