Industry Forum

In an era where organisations are placing an increased emphasis on workplace well-being and safety, the International Organisation for Standardisation (ISO) has introduced the ISO 45001:2018 standard to set a new benchmark for occupational health and safety management systems. This groundbreaking standard is designed to empower organisations to prioritise the welfare of their workforce and create a safer working environment.

Recently, the Council of the EU and the European Parliament reached a provisional political agreement on the Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive (“CSDDD”). This new major piece of EU legislation will require that EU and non-EU companies conduct environmental and human rights due diligence across their operations, subsidiaries, and value chains. Implementing ISO45001:2018 supports the human rights due diligence of this far-reaching legislation.

ISO45001:2018 was developed with the aim of providing a robust framework that organisations can adopt to proactively manage occupational health and safety risks. It aligns seamlessly with other ISO management system standards, making integration into existing management systems a more straightforward process.

To support organisations with implementing ISO45001:2018 SMMT Industry Forum has created two training courses – a one day Essentials Training Course and a two-day Internal Auditor Course.

The Essentials Training course is designed to help leaders understand how ISO45001:2018 provides structure to their already existing occupational health and safety obligations. It will help them identify the steps they need to take to implement the standard into their organisations.

The two-day internal auditor course will provide internal auditors with an understanding of the standard and the skills required to successfully carry out internal audits and support their organisations with external audits.

The courses will be delivered by one of our senior consultants, Sarah Grainger. Sarah has recently returned to the UK after living and working for BMW AG in Munich, Germany for 12 years. She spent the last fours years at BMW managing the global Occupational Health and Safety Management System and so has extensive audit experience in the German and International production plants as well as experience implementing this management system in locations working towards their initial certification.

The courses are available to book online:

Essentials Training

Internal Auditor

SMMT Industry Forum can also deliver this training in house at your location. For such training enquiries please contact:

SMMT Industry Forum is active globally supporting automotive manufacturing, bringing best practices and expertise honed over decades to new and expanding markets. Our CEO Ashley Fernihough is currently on a Trade Mission in Ghana to support discussion on increasing new automotive trade in the country. We look forward to sharing his experience and thoughts on how global manufacturing can benefit from shared knowledge exchange.

Industry Forum (IF), the manufacturing training subsidiary of the Society of Motor Manufacturers and Traders (SMMT), and WMG at the University of Warwick, have today announced a new partnership to develop and deliver cutting-edge training solutions to help boost the competitiveness of manufacturers across the UK.

The collaboration harnesses IF’s proven success in growing productivity and profitability of businesses across the automotive, aerospace, and other industries, and WMG at the University of Warwick’s expertise in helping companies across multiple sectors to turn ideas into commercial realities. It is set to help manufacturers, from start-up to multinational, to boost their competitiveness and growth potential as all sectors undergo radical transformation to deliver next generation electrified and automated technologies.

The venture will give manufacturers across a range of industrial sectors access to development opportunities to enable them to conceive, design, prototype, market and, ultimately, deliver cutting-edge supply chain solutions to OEMs (Original Equipment Manufacturers). It will also support OEMs to integrate new technologies and processes into their own operations, making them agile and resilient.

Ashley Fernihough, Industry Forum Chief Executive, said: “Industry Forum has a track record in helping companies to upskill, reskill and accelerate productivity and profitability – and at this pivotal time for the UK’s critical manufacturing sectors, we’re delighted to partner with WMG to take our training offering to the next level. Together we will help to harness ideas, innovation, and skills across the industrial spectrum, unlocking their commercial potential to deliver growth and global success.”

Dr Ben Silverstone, Head of WMG Skills Centre, said: “WMG and Industry Forum have partnered to create world-leading operational and technical training solutions for UK Industry. With a rich heritage in enabling the UK automotive industry to meet the challenges of the future, together we will make use of the wealth of previous experience to make it easier for manufacturers from a range of industrial sectors to access the training they need to allow them to continue to compete in a rapidly and ever-changing market.”

SMMT Industry Forum was delighted to attend the 106th SMMT Annual Dinner this week as one of the most prestigious events in the automotive calendar.

Addressing industry leaders and politicians Alison Jones, SMMT President and Senior Vice President Global Circular Economy, Stellantis, praised the industry’s resilience and commitment to green growth, saying,

As an industry, we have moved forward despite the instability, despite legislative uncertainty, inflation and geopolitical risk. The industry has backed itself with big decisions on big investments to guarantee jobs and our future. We have seen major commitments in battery production, lithium mining, vehicle manufacturing, R&D and the aftermarket. Such investment – and our ability to remain competitive – is key to the continuation of a strong UK manufacturing base and a sector that sustains nearly a million livelihoods.

Nusrat Ghani MP, Minister of State for Industry and Economic Security spoke to welcome the recent investments in UK Automotive in 2023

We started this year with quite a few challenges and obstacles ahead of us. But with a joint effort we are finishing on a high point as one of the most successful years in our recent history

The special guest speaker was The Rt Hon Rory Stewart OBE talking about his time in government and the outlook for the political landscape in 2024 and beyond.

Some of Britain’s biggest automotive companies pledged that women will represent 30% of their workforce within the next six years, in a bid to drive gender diversity across all roles and levels. The commitment by the Automotive Council, whose members represent 99% of British vehicle manufacturing and half of the UK’s automotive workforce, is a significant short-term challenge given that just under 20% of the sector’s workforce is today female. The Council also launched a new best practice guide, Shifting Gears: How to better recruit and retain women in the UK automotive sector, to provide forward-thinking businesses across the industry – from car and commercial vehicle manufacturing to supply chain and the aftermarket – with the tools needed to improve gender diversity across all levels.

It was a fantastic event providing much-needed industry insights and an opportunity to meet representatives across the automotive industry.

It was an honour to host the delegation over from the Japan Institute of Plant Maintenance (JIPM) this month.

JIPM were the originator of the TPM framework back in 1970 and continued to lead the world ever since.

Here at SMMT Industry Forum, we are 1 of only 6 JIPM Associate Agencies globally delivering the TPM Award and only 1 of only 4 consultancies globally licensed to practice JIPM TPM consultancy and training. We hold the distinction of being the only UK and European consultancy to have a consultant in our team who is TPM Black Belt certified by JIPM.

We look forward to developing ever closer ties in the years ahead and continue to promote and deliver best practices to the highest standards.

Published: 18/02/2021

So much has changed over the last year. Workforces and skills are transitioning, as are the ways in which we want to access training and development. We want to make sure Industry Forum training products are as closely aligned as possible to your needs and preferences.

We’d like to ask you a few questions about training at your organisation. It’ll only take 5 minutes, and as a thank you, you’ll be entered into a draw to win a £50 John Lewis voucher*!

Your answers will be treated strictly confidentially; neither you nor your organisation will be named.

If you have a question or a more detailed response to share, please do email Beth Osborne, General Manager – Marketing / CX on

Competition Terms and Conditions: 
  1. There is no cash alternative.
  2. The prize is not transferable.
  3. The competition is not open to any employees of SMMT, TMO or SMMT Industry Forum or their direct family members including mother, father, sibling, child, grandparent, or partner.
  4. Only one entry per person, and entrance is dependent on the provision of a work email address. 
  5. Entry is via this survey only, which must include a completed survey submitted by 31st March 2021.
  6. The winners will be notified via email within fourteen days of the closing date of this survey (during April 2021).
  7. This competition is open to residents of the United Kingdom only.

IF has been selected by Birmingham City Council as a Strategic Training Partner in a new Supplier Skills Programme designed to upskill employees within Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) in the more developed areas of the Greater Birmingham Local Enterprise Partnership (GBSLEP) region.

The three-year programme aims to transform management expertise, workforce capability and capacity, while providing essential tools to help SMEs sustain their performance and productivity. Overall, the programme will upskill up to 7,030 new and existing employees by providing full qualifications level 1-7, or equivalent (including higher level management and leadership skills), units or a unit of qualification at basic level.

The £12 million Supplier Skills Programme is part-funded by the European Social Fund and offer training grants of between £500 and £18,000, match funding per SME.

IF CEO, Paul Heard, said, “IF is proud to be selected as a skills provider under this new scheme. We have longstanding trusted relationships with both national and local government, resulting in us providing DWP-approved vocational courses for redundant workers, accessible through the Job Centre Plus Rapid Response Service, through to being a delivery partner for the government’s flagship automotive and aerospace supply chain support programmes. We’re in tune with the needs of SMEs in the West Midlands and look forward to making a difference to the local economy as businesses recover following the impact of COVID-19.”

In a press release, Leader of Birmingham City Council, Councillor Ian Ward, said: “This programme is key to improving business confidence, raising skills levels and enabling SMEs to recover during this challenging economic period following the impact of COVID-19. The programme will allow businesses to develop a ladder of progression for existing employees by increasing their skill levels and creating new opportunities for other employees.

“The Supplier Skills Programme will reduce the skills gap by ensuring greater alignment between the training needs of employees within SMEs and training providers. Moreover, it will complement existing national and regional provision. This new initiative will enhance the City’s existing SME business support activities across the Greater Birmingham Local Enterprise Partnership area.

Further information on the application process can be found on the Industry Forum website. The programme commences immediately. To be considered submit your completed application form before the closing date of 18 December 2020* 

IF joins Make UK, Creative Alliance, Kaplan Financial Services, Skills Training UK and Birmingham Adult Education Services (BAES) in helping to deliver the programme.

*SSP Funding Round 2 will open on 5 January 2021

  • Up to £10,000 available per candidate for vocational and occupational training
  • Training can help differentiate candidates where hundreds are applying for limited roles
  • UK firms have cut around 730,0001 jobs during the pandemic
  • Redundancy figures set to rise after Coronavirus job retention scheme ends in October
  • Training expert, SMMT Industry Forum, advises advanced learning for transferable skills
BIRMINGHAM, September 10th 2020 – UK employers should play a leading role in directing redundant staff to the most suitable government-funded training courses, says Industry Forum, a training provider for manufacturing and supply chain businesses.

Free government training is available, according to certain criteria, for those made redundant from their jobs. This could be a vital boost to the estimated 730,0001 (and growing) workers who lost their jobs between March and July 2020 due to the COVID-19 pandemic, including those from some of the UK’s largest companies. The number of unemployed is expected to rise after the government’s furlough ends in October.

“Schemes such as the Jobcentre Plus Rapid Response Service have offered vocational training for redundant workers for over a decade, and now have huge potential to facilitate the retraining of laid-off workers for new types of work in growth sectors,” explains Paul Heard, Chief Executive Officer at SMMT Industry Forum. “We are working with employers to identify specific courses by individual, that will lead the redundant to finding work as quickly as possible, often in different industries. Not only are employers best placed to recognise which qualifications match on-the-job experience, they have the industry, functional and local knowledge to highlight transferrable skills and to steer individuals towards growing sectors and certain types of vacancy.

“Most employers are keen to support their departing staff, but due to high employment rates over recent years, neither companies nor their workers have a particularly wide knowledge of the range of government-funded vocational and occupational training courses on offer. It’s time for industry to get involved by identifying skills gaps and advising on the best training,” continues Paul Heard.

“Those recently made redundant should look to different industries that are recruiting and which share similar skill sets. An example is electric vehicles, a developing area that is heavily reliant on highly skilled employees. This could present opportunities for hundreds of available and talented aerospace engineers, who Industry Forum can help train in EV battery technology. Another example is quality management where we are already seeing courses such as APQP and PPAP for automotive and aerospace attracting delegates from defence and wind energy,” says Heard.

Industry Forum has identified a number of its government-approved courses that are particularly well-suited to those wishing to enter the manufacturing environment for the first time, or who have experience in a manufacturing setting but are looking to apply for roles in a new sector. Most are available both remotely and face-to-face at Industry Forum’s purpose-built training facility in Birmingham. The courses cover general manufacturing essentials, leadership training for team leaders and manufacturing managers, automotive and aerospace quality management and industry standard certifications, and new technology courses e.g. in batteries and electric vehicles. For more information, follow:

The Jobcentre Plus Rapid Response Service training fund is among a list of support options accessed through local job centres. There are criteria to be met, such as whether the training is appropriate, has a clear job outcome focus and supports vacancies in the local market or potential vacancies in the occupational area. There is a different service if you’re in Scotland or Wales.

Notes to editors

1 Data released by the Office for National Statistics (ONS) showed that the number of paid employees has fallen by 730,000 between March and July 2020.


“We are working with employers to identify specific courses by individual that will lead the redundant to finding work as quickly as possible, often in different industries,” says Paul Heard, Chief Executive Officer at SMMT Industry Forum.

UK employers should play a leading role in directing redundant staff to the most suitable government-funded training courses, says Industry Forum, a training provider for manufacturing and supply chain businesses.

Industry Forum has a number of its government-approved courses for those wishing to enter the manufacturing environment for the first time, or who have experience in a manufacturing setting but are looking to apply for roles in a new sector. Most are available both remotely and face-to-face at Industry Forum’s purpose-built training facility in Birmingham.



Media contacts

Propel Technology.

Laura Biss. Tel : 07813 736265

Claire Dumbreck.  Tel: 01295 770868 / Mob: 07768 773857



Are you the best you can be?

20% off Open Courses and Publications Until 30th September* Use Code: sumskills at the Checkout

“Unprecedented”, “unparalleled”, “extraordinary” – all words we are hearing on a daily basis. Many of us had never heard the word “furlough” before and it’s quickly become one of the most used words of the year. Think back to New Year’s Eve, and all you wished for the year ahead. Many of us dreamed of improving ourselves, be that losing weight, working out more, or improving our skills. No one could have anticipated the turn of events which followed; all of our best laid plans – kiboshed.

Make your year extraordinary for the right reasons

But, in true glass half full style, the year is only half done! We don’t have to give up on our aspirations and it’s no time to be complacent. As the challenges ahead of us compound, more people are applying for less jobs. You can protect yourself and make sure your CV demonstrates that you are the best you can be by finally achieving that qualification you have always aspired to hold. We are pleased to offer a number of options to support individuals during these difficult times as part of our Summer for Skills campaign.

20% off open courses and publications until 30th September 2020*

All open courses attended (in person or virtual) up to and including the 30th September 2020, are subject to a 20% discount by using code: sumskills at the checkout. This means you can enjoy our new virtual courses during your staycation or furlough, for less than ever before. For individuals funding the training themselves, we can look to provide flexible payment options.
NEW! Publications are now included in this Summer for Skills offer! To benefit from the discount on books, click here and use the code: sumskills at the checkout. 
  1. This offer is not valid in conjunction with any other offer or discount (SMMT member discount etc).
  2. Discount is only valid on open course bookings made after 17th July 2020 and attended by 30th September 2020 or publications purchased by the 30th September.
  3. To qualify for the courses discount, the first day of the course must be on or before 30th September 2020.
  4. Flexible payment terms on courses must be agreed prior to booking.

NMCL and SC21 C&G Programmes with Industry Forum

Many UK automotive and civil aerospace organisations are facing extraordinary challenges to survive, stabilise and thrive in the Post Covid marketplace. If you are an aerospace or automotive supplier (or a customer of these suppliers) there is a funded programme available to support you with industry approved expert providers. The programme will provide the companies involved with £50k – £200k+ of funding to access expertise and will match with time by the Beneficiaries. Funding must be used by March 2022.
The programme, jointly run by Industry Forum’s parent company, The SMMT and ADS, working together for industry, is known as National Manufacturing Competitiveness Levels (NMCL) and SC21 Competitiveness and Growth (SC21 C&G) in the respective sectors. A short capability and customer competitiveness assessment leads to a bespoke implementation programme that supports your needs, with identified business targets and project charters aligned to improvement ‘modules’. Following funding approval, you can then select the providers from the approved list who are the best fit for your organisation to support delivery. The providers you select will then work with you and together to deliver your programme.
Industry Forum is delighted have a long association with the programme, supporting supply chain competitiveness, having led the development of the assessment on behalf of SMMT. Industry Forum also trained the wider Assessor group. We are one of the approved providers, able to support module implementation across the automotive and aerospace sector due to our unrivaled knowledge of the improvement modules. There is no organisation with more in-house capability and experience of the programme or better suited to support you on your journey to improved competitiveness.
Already in the Scheme?

Only when an organisation provides the Lead Assessor role to a company, can they not be a delivery provider to that company. This rule does not apply to the Master Assessor (training others) or Assistant Assessor roles. If Industry Forum was a Master assessor or Assistant Assessor, we are able to provide implementation delivery. Please contact us to discuss how we can support you in getting the most from your journey.


Final Note: Please don’t assume your leadership team are aware of this scheme – please do forward to anyone who could benefit!

Contact Us