Industry Forum

Process Improvement

Do you need to improve your cash flow? Is your profit margin acceptable?

The ever increasing demands for improved performance, reduced costs and improved quality put a strain on the whole business. Continuous Improvement of processes to achieve these demands requires the systematic elimination of waste.

Industry Forum Process Improvement programmes are all designed to systematically eliminate waste in order to:

  • Increase sales and therefore profit, by making more product without additional cost
  • Make more profit by making the same amount of product for less
  • Increase the cash flow into the organisation by shortening the cash flow lead time
  • Reduce the size of the risk the organisation is exposed to along the cash cycle journey

The Process Improvement Programmes

Our Process Improvement programmes are delivered by highly trained and experienced staff who combine their industrial experience with the powerful tools and techniques of the Industry Forum Integrated Business Approach to meet your specific performance requirements.

You can chose from programmes such as MasterClass, Value Stream Mapping and Team Leader Training, or we can design a bespoke activity just for you.

Bespoke activities address your specific needs and cover as many areas of your organisation as you require. The programmes can be run in single or multiple day blocks and last from 1 day to several years.

Each of these successful improvement programmes is based on a common four step structure.

The cost of a MasterClass is recovered through the direct measures of process performance i.e. Quality, Cost and Delivery.

Our Process Improvement activities typically deliver greater than 400% return on investment.

Find out about the Four Step Structure approach

Client Reviews


To enquire about this product:

+44 (0)121 717 6600

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