Industry Forum

Automotive Specific Training

Gain from our experience

With the Automotive industry facing an unprecedented situation, targeted training is essential to ensure your whole team is on board to compete at the highest level in a challenging sector. 

We provide end to end training solutions, both virtual and in person, to ensure your business is fully equipped with effective skills to rise above the competition on the international stage.

Our specialist team of automotive trainers have extensive hands-on industrial experience and a wealth of technical expertise. Through the sharing of practical knowledge, learning is put into context to empower delegates to apply their new skills successfully in the workplace, leading to sustainable and profitable improvements.

As times become increasingly tough for the automotive sector, Industry Forum can help your business adapt to the current climate so it’s in the best possible position to compete on the global stage and respond to future demand, becoming the stand out supplier of choice.

Industry Challenges

The current climate obviously means much of the automotive industry is struggling to recover financial stability, but that’s all the more reason why your business needs to be streamlined and still in the best possible position to respond to sudden changes and unexpected orders that may arise.

Our training programmes have been developed with industry challenges at their core, providing the skills and tools needed to overcome pressures such as quality control, strict delivery deadlines and lower costs from overseas competition from India or the Asia-Pacific region, for example.

Always mindful of improving competitiveness, Industry Forum training will enable your business to deliver world leading product, process and service innovation fit for the next generation.

Comprehensive Courses

Our extensive range of Automotive specific courses are designed to make sure the foundations of your business are robust and that staff have detailed knowledge of the equipment and processes they are using on a daily basis.

Enlisting our consultancy services will give us a more in-depth knowledge of your business so we can advise on the best possible training route for your staff, but that is by no means essential to ensure your workforce reaps the rewards of our focused sessions. 

Industry Forum also utilises APICS best practice training with facilitated workshops support to build clients’ capability across the supply chain.

Full list of Automotive Competitive Strategy and Management Systems Training Courses:

Electrification courses

Instructor led classes (Face to Face and Virtual)

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[courses category=”eLearning, Electrification” sector=”automotive”]

Core Tools Training

Instructor led classes (Face to Face and Virtual)

[courses category=”competitive-strategy-management-systems,core-tools” notcategory=”elearning” sector=”automotive”]


[courses category=”competitive-strategy-management-systems,core-tools, elearning” sector=”automotive”]

IATF Training

Instructor led classes (Face to Face and Virtual)

[courses category=”competitive-strategy-management-systems, iatf-management-systems” notcategory=”elearning” sector=”automotive”]


[courses category=”competitive-strategy-management-systems, iatf-management-systems, elearning” sector=”automotive”]

VDA QMC Training

Instructor led classes (Face to Face and Virtual)

[courses category=”competitive-strategy-management-systems,vda” sector=”automotive”]

Product Liability Training

Instructor led classes (Face to Face and Virtual)

[courses category=”competitive-strategy-management-systems,product-liability” sector=”automotive”]

Functional Safety Training

Instructor led classes (Face to Face and Virtual)

[courses category=”competitive-strategy-management-systems,functional-safety” sector=”automotive”]

Full list of Automotive Operations Training Courses:

Automotive Operation Training Courses

[courses category=”manufacturing-operations” sector=”automotive”]

Full list of Automotive New Product Introduction Training Courses:

Automotive New Product Introduction Training Courses

[courses category=”npi” notcategory=”electrification” sector=”automotive”]

Full list of Automotive Supply Chain Management Training Courses:

Automotive Supply Chain Management Training Courses

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Expertise in the Automotive Industry

Top Rated Courses
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Great Students
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Award Received
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Courses Completed
0 +

We also offer broader sessions of the utmost relevance to the Automotive industry, including:

Ask the experts

To discuss your training requirements, please call our team on +44 (0)121 717 6600 or email

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