Industry Forum

Management Operations Training

Ensuring that you have the right processes in place across your manufacturing operations can provide significant benefits to your ability to satisfy customer demand, your ability to bring new products to market and your ability to apply improvements and new technologies to your manufacturing operations.

Whether it’s Total Productive Maintenance, Lean, Six Sigma, Problem solving and more, Industry Forum can provide you with a range of training courses to support initiatives from large manufacturing improvement programmes across a multi-site organisation to single projects in an individual plant. Industry Forum has a proven record of helping manufacturers of all sizes achieve their operational goals.


We offer management operations courses specifically designed for the automotive sector.


We offer a number of management operations courses which are suited to any manufacturing organisation.

Here is a full list of our Manufacturing Operations training courses:


Automotive Courses

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Introduction to Manufacturing

[courses category=”manufacturing-operations,introduction-to-manufacturing” sector=”cross-sector”]

Daily Management

[courses category=”manufacturing-operations,daily-management” sector=”cross-sector”]

Lean Improvement

[courses category=”manufacturing-operations,lean-improvement” sector=”cross-sector”]

Lean Six Sigma

[courses category=”manufacturing-operations,lean-six-sigma” sector=”cross-sector”]

Manufacturing Leadership

[courses category=”manufacturing-operations,manufacturing-leadership” sector=”cross-sector”]

[courses category=”competitive-strategy-management-systems, leadership-organisation-and-culture” sector=”cross-sector”]

Operational Management

[courses category=”manufacturing-operations,operational-management” sector=”cross-sector”]


[courses category=”manufacturing-operations,tpm”]

Not sure where to start on your TPM journey? Take our

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