Industry Forum

New Product Introduction Training Courses


Industry Forum’s New Product Introduction (NPI) Model covers 4 key areas required for a successful new product launch:

  • Stable foundations support link of organisation growth strategy to NPI
  • Industry standards cover best practice approach for NPI
  • Process pillars include skills required for successful new product launch
  • Output is product launch excellence with adapted implementation for organisation

NPI best practices

Best practices for New Product Introduction process have been in existence for nearly 3 decades. Since inception, many organisations have adopted these best practices to launch successful new products. Adopting best practices in new product introduction within supply chain provides confidence for the customer to partner on new programme developments, and in turn provides growth opportunities for an organisation.

Free NPI self-assessment

This quick assessment can help initiate your journey towards product launch excellence. Our in house experts will then review the self-assessment and provide you with some valuable feedback.

Common Challenge

Organisations today are using new business processes, approaches and enabling technologies to continually improve New Product Introduction (NPI) processes in pursuit of launch excellence. With available resources, improving all aspects of new product introduction at once is next to impossible. On the other hand, some of the improvement opportunities are obvious for the team whereas others may require more a structured assessment approach. A structured assessment will help to answer questions like:

  • What are our strengths and weaknesses?
  • Is our NPI process aligned with our strategic objectives?
  • What improvements need to be made and what are the priorities, given the resources available?

Remember best practice implementation is more sustainable when adapted to business needs.


Industry Forum has developed an effectiveness assessment for new product launch. The assessment combines the current state process mapping approach following Lean principles and a technical assessment, considering the best practice criteria to launch new products. A facilitated approach is taken to build consensus in the team on how far the best practice needs to be implemented, considering the needs of business.


  • Detailed and structured current state NPI assessment
  • Cross-functional alignment on improvements required in area of NPI
  • Agreement in team on how far to adapt best practices for business needs
  • Independent view of current state NPI process maturity and targets for future state

Here is a full list of our NPI training courses:



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Virtual Classes

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